I saw a rainbow from my campsite the first morning, a nice touch, a kind of welcome.
On Christmas Eve, I decided to head
into the Las Vegas strip and walk around. The strip was packed
with people and cars. A huge range of people, from Japanese to
Europeans to overweight Americans.
Every block had people in costume,
collecting tips for letting people take their photo with them. I
enjoyed the showgirls, the transformers, the sexy cops and of course Elvis.
I did go down to Fremont Street, which
was less crowded and less upscale, but still had people in costume.
There was a stage with live music, Christmas music of course.
On Christmas Day, I decided to attend a
Maronite Catholic Church, which is a church affiliated with the
Vatican, but with its own rites. In many ways it was like a regular
Catholic mass, but everything was a little different. The Marronite
Church is essentially a Lebanese church, and includes Aramaic, the
actual language of Christ. I chatted with a couple of parishioners,
and learned more about the 21 different rites and churches which are
part of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is in many ways a
big tent, and not everyone is doing the same thing.
In the afternoon, I decided to visit
the Red Rocks Conservation area, and went on a hike to a “tank”,
a rain fed pond in the rock. The hike is the real attraction,
wandering up the slickrock, on a loosely defined trail. There is a
view of Las Vegas from the top of the hike, as you can see in the photo. Red Rocks is very